Mount and blade warband economy
Mount and blade warband economy

mount and blade warband economy

“During my visit to the Game Developers Association of Turkey (TOGED), I personally played the computer games that Turkish youth created which added hundreds of millions of dollar value to our foreign trade. Oyun yazılım sektörümüze yönelik Bakanlık desteklerimiz sürecek /RM84QZwasO #Türkiye Oyun Geliştiricileri Derneği’ni ziyaretimde,Türk gençlerinin akıl teriyle üreterek dış ticaretimize yüz milyonlarca dolarlık katma değer sağladığı bilgisayar oyunlarını bizzat oynadım. As for 2017, we are expecting more from them. We have reached $500 million of export figure solely in gaming in 2016.

mount and blade warband economy

They have exported such amount of digital goods that I couldn’t believe when I first heard about it. Zeybekci emphasized that the gaming industry is Turkey’s unsung hero, “Just like the game heroes, developers are real life heroes.

Mount and blade warband economy